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3" Diameter Estes Alpha Upscale Parts Kit


The Estes Alpha is a classic sport model that is extremely popular.  Why not upsize it from a BT-50 to a 3" body tube with a 29mm motor mount?  The parts in this upgrade kit added to an Estes Der Big Red Max kit (not included) will allow you to do this!

Parts Included:

  • 8.5" long 3"diameter body tube (one)
  • 3" diameter body tube coupler (one)
  • 1/8" laser cut plywood centering rings (three)
  • 1/8" laser cut plywood fins(three)
Construction involves:
  • replacing the Der Big Red Max fins with the laser cut plywood fins
  • replacing the Der Big Red Max card stock centering rings with the plywood centering rings
  • lengthening the body tube by adding the tube coupler and 8.5" body tube
  • replacing the Der Big Red Max nose cone with a Doorknob nose cone
  • Vinyl Decals are available from (not included)

This upgrade was designed by world class model builder James Duffy, whose model you see in the photo..